Discussing the Probing Cannon Counter in Xiangqi (Chinese Chess)
Author: Jim Png from XqInEnglish
There are many unorthodox counters to the Central Cannon in Xiangqi. One of these counters is the Probing Cannon Counter which is a direct translation of its Chinese name 探头炮 tàn tóu pào.
The Probing Cannon Counter aims to apply discovered attacks early in the game. It often appears in games by beginners.
The author managed to find some material over the internet and analyzed it with his computer program. It has been some time since he studied an unorthodox opening. The following is a short discussion of the counter.
The following is a summary of the article:
a) Points are given by the computer program to measure whether either one of the colors has the advantage or not. If Red has an advantage of 100 points, it would mean that Black would be -100 points. A Checkmate is >29000 points, and a winning position is >1000 points.
b) the article is presented as variations.
1. C2=5
Central Cannon.
1. .... H8+7
Perhaps the best option for Black.
H8+7 protects the Central Pawn.
Other options include C8=5 (Same Direction Cannons), C2=5 (Opposite Direction Cannons), H2+3, et cetera.
2. H2+3
Red fortifies his Central Pawn and prepares to develop his right Chariot.
2. .... R9=8
3. R1=2 C8+2
Diagram 1 Basic Formation of the Probing Cannon Counter
Probing Cannon Counter 探头炮 tàn tóu pào.
Black tries to use the tactic of discovered attacks to try to gain the advantage. A possible continuation for Black will be to play C8=3 or C8=1 to attack.
The orthodox move to play in this situation should be H2+3/P7+1 or even P3+1.
The Probing Cannon Counter is considered unorthodox, but Red needs to be careful, or Black can gain a sizeable advantage.
Black aims to harass the Red pieces, but such a tactic is too near-sighted, and Red can claim a considerable advantage if he handles the situation correctly.
This opening is commonly seen in matches by beginners and is very seldom seen in matches by the experts.
At this point, Red enjoys an advantage of about 100+ points.
4. P7+1
As Black threatens to play C8=3, one of the most efficient counters is P7+1. Red enjoys an advantage of about 300 points.
Red must keep in mind that Red must keep in mind to protect his right Chariot at all times, or it will be vulnerable to discovered attacks.
Red can also consider P3+1 (Variation a), but it is not as good as P7+1.
R2+4 (Variation b) to guard the riverbank will be a mistake.
After Red's P7+1, six possible variations are analyzed:
Main line cont'd: 4. .... C2=3,
4. .... C2=3
Main line cont'd: 4. .... C2=3
Seeing that Red had played P7+1, Black's knee-jerk response is C2=3. It is a shortsighted move as the Black Central Pawn is weak and vulnerable.
With C2=3, Black cannot develop his right Horse with H2+3, or he will need to move his Cannon away before doing so. It will lead to a loss of tempi.
Hence, C2=3 is not a good approach.
5. H8+7
Red does not even bother about the Black Cannon. H8+7 is sound in this situation as Red targets the biggest weakness in Black's formation: the Central Pawn.
5. .... P3+1
Red tries to gain material with P3+1, but it is wishful thinking that Red will play P7+1.
Instead, Red keeps his focus on his attack.
H2+1 (Variation h) was suggested on an online file.
However, the move that the computer recommends is E3+5 (Variation i).
6. H7+6 P3+1
Black makes this move out of desperation.
It is a mistake that started from the third ply.
7. H6+5 E3+5
Black cannot capture the Red Horse (H7+5), or Red gains a Headhunter Cannon. Red will have an advantage of almost 400 points.
At this point, Red needs to deal with the issue of the Red Horse.
The better move is to play H5-4 (main line cont'd)! H5+3 (Variation j) is not a good idea.
8. H5-4 C8=1
9. R9=8 R8+9
10. H3-2 C1=3
11. H4+6
Diagram 2 Red has the obvious advantage.
Red has an advantage of almost 500 points. Black's left flank is yet to be developed, and the Red Horse is very threatening.
Variation a:
Cont'd from this link.
Diagram 3 Variation a
4a. P3+1
Red enjoys an advantage of < 200 points.
Four different possibilities are suggested:
Variation a cont'd: 4a. .... C8=3
Variation ab:4ab. .... C2=5, and
4a. .... C8=3
5a. R2+9 C3+5
6a. K5+1 C3=1
7a. R2=3 E3+5
8a. R3-1 A4+5
9a. H3+4
Black is in trouble.
Red has the advantage of about 1400+ points.
Variation aa: 4aa. .... P3+1
4aa. .... P3+1
5aa. C8+4 E3+5
6aa. H8+7 H2+3
7aa. C8=7
The computer program suggests C8=3, which adds pressure to Black's left flank.
7aa. .... R1=2
8aa. R9=8
Red with a slight advantage of about 50 points.
Black is now prepared to play C2+4 to form a blockade. The Red Cannon that has crossed the river is inefficient as it can only block the Black Horse.
Variation ab: 4ab. .... C2=5
4ab. .... C2=5
5ab. P7+1 H2+3
6ab. H8+7 R1=2
7ab. R9=8
Red with an advantage of about 200 points.
Variation ac: 4ac. .... E3+5
4ac. .... E3+5
5ac. C8=6 H2+3
6ac. H8+7
It is a roughly even situation!
Red is too passive in this variation and has allowed Black to develop his right Chariot and achieve a stable formation.
Diagram 4 Variation b
4b. R2+4
Blunder. Red loses the advantage. Black will have gained the initiative with about 30 points at this point.
4b. .... E3+5
Questionable move. This move was found online.
Since the main idea behind the Probing Cannon is to attempt discovered attacks, attacking with C8=3 or C8=1 (Variation ba) is the way to go!
5b. H8+7 C8=3
6b. R2+5
If Red plays R2=7, the Red Chariot will become ineffective. Black will counter with P7+1, and Black can accept this situation.
Red will still have a slight advantage of 180 points.
6b. .... H7-8
7b. C5+4 A4+5
8b. H3-5 H2+4
9b. C5-2 C3=1
10b. C8=9 P3+1
Red would have a hard time keeping his initiative as his left flank is cramped. Red has an advantage of about 260-280 points.
Variation ba: 4ba. .... C8=1
4ba. .... C8=1
C8=1 is the move suggested by the computer program.
5ba. R2=9 R8+6
6ba. P3+1 C2=1
7ba. C8=6 H2+3
8ba. R9+2 R1=2
9ba. -R=8
Advantage to Black of about 50-70 points.
Variation c: 4c. .... E3+5
Cont'd from this link.
Diagram 5 Variation c
4c. .... E3+5
5c. H8+7 P7+1
Black needs to prevent Red from playing P3+1 to develop his right Horse. If he did not play P3+1 and chose to play H2+3 (Variation ca), Black will be in trouble.
Unfortunately, this move will go against the initial plan of discovered attacks.
6c. R9+1
The Red formation is sound and balanced.
Red has an advantage of about 100 points.
Variation ca: 5ca. .... H2+3
Cont'd from this link.
5ca. .... H2+3
6ca. P3+1 C8=1
7ca. C8=9
All the Red pieces are active and have good lines for further development.
Red will have an advantage of about 240 points.
Variation d: 4d. .... H2+3
Cont'd from this link.
Diagram 6 Variation d
4d. .... H2+3
5d. H8+7 E3+5
Red has an advantage of about 330 points.
6d. P3+1
Double Headed Snake Pawns!
The Red Horses are now ready to go.
6d. .... A4+5
Black attempts to develop his right Chariot as a King-side Chariot.
7d. C8=9
Red adopts the 59 Cannons in response to discourage Black from playing R1=4. If he does, Red will develop his left Chariot with R9=8 to attack the Black Cannon!
7d. .... R1=2
8d. R9=8 C2+6
9d. R2+4 P3+1
10d. P7+1 E5+3
Red has an advantage of about 600 points.
Variation e: 4e. .... C2=5,
Cont'd from this link.
Diagram 7 Variation e
4e. .... C2=5
Deferred Opposite Direction Cannons approach.
It is not a good idea comparatively.
5e. H8+7 H2+3
6e. C8+4 R1+1
7e. P3+1 R1=6
8e. H7+6 R6+6
9e. C8-4 R6+1
10e. H6+7 R6=7
Red has an advantage of about 550 points.
Variation f: 4f. .... A6+5
Cont'd from this link.
Diagram 8 Variation f
4f. .... A6+5
Moving the Advisor now is not a good idea as Red has not started attacking. It will only reveal weaknesses in the Black formation where Red can take his time to concoct a plan of action.
5f. H8+7 E3+5
6f. P3+1 H2+3
7f. H7+6 P3+1
8f. H6+4 H3+4
9f. P7+1 H4+3
10f. C8=7 P7+1
11f. P3+1 C8=6
12f. R2+9 H7-8
13f. P3=4
Red gains material. Red enjoys an advantage of about 730 points.
Variation g: 4g. .... C8=1
Cont'd from this link.
Diagram 9 Variation g. It is recommended for Black.
4g. .... C8=1
Recommended move by the computer.
Black gets to carry out his plans for launching a discovered attack.
5g. C8=9
Red CANNOT trade Chariots with R2+9 (Variation ga) at this point.
Variation ga: 5ga. R2+9 C1+5 6ga. R2=3 C1=3 7ga. K5+1 H2+3
Black has an advantage of 600+ points.
5g. .... R8+9
6g. H3-2
The Red Horse has been protecting the Red Chariot all along. That is the main reason why Red need not fear any discovered attacks by Black.
6g. .... H2+1
7g. H8+7 R1=2
8g. R9=8
H7+6 might have been a better option.
8g. .... C2+6?
9g. C9=8
Red severed any protection of the Black Cannon with this move. Black will need to use up a few moves to move this Cannon to safety, thus losing tempo in the process.
9g. .... C2=8
10g. R8+1 C8-1
11g. H2+3 C8=5
12g. E3+5
Diagram 10 Variation g final position
Red has a slight advantage of about 50 points.
Diagram 11 Variation h
5h. .... H2+1
H2+1 was suggested in the online file.
It is questionable as the most urgent issue for Black was to consolidate the central file. Instead, E3+5 is better.
6h. H7+6 E3+5
7h. H6+5 H7+5
8h. C5+4
Red has an advantage of about 670 points.
Red will try to go for the Iron Bolt Checkmate.
8h. .... A6+5
9h. C8=5 R1=2
10h. R9+1 P1+1
P3+1 is better as it allows Black to attack the Elephant and also play R2+3 if necessary.
11h. R9=4
The Red Chariot has controlled the rib file in the nick of time and is prepared to go for the Iron Bolt Checkmate.
11h. .... P3+1
12h. R2+4
Red has accumulated an enormous advantage of about 1000+ points.
Diagram 12 Variation i
5i. .... E3+5
Computer recommendation.
6i. H7+6 P7+1
7i. R9=8 C3+3
8i. E7+9 C3+1
9i. C8=6 H2+3
The Red pieces have much room to move and clear lines for development.
Red has an advantage of nearly 400 points.
Variation j:
Cont'd from this link.
Diagram 13 Variation j
8j. H5+3
8j. .... C3=7
9j. R9+1 H2+3
10j. R9=4 R1=2
11j. C8=7
Questionable. C8=6 is better as C8=7 will only put the Red Cannon in the line of fire of the Black Pawn. Black seizes the initiative and has an advantage of about 440 points after Red makes this move.
If Red plays C8=6, Red will still have an advantage of 150 points.
Generally speaking, this variation is not as good as Red retreating this Horse on his 8th ply.
11j. .... H3+2
12j. R4=8 R2+2
13j. P5+1 H2+4
Red is in deep trouble. Black will now have the advantage of 400 points.
Short Summary:
The Probing Cannon Counter is NOT viable as the original intentions of applying discovered attacks are hard to materialize. Perhaps the best option would be for Black to play C8=1 as a discovered attack. See Variation ba.
It is not recommended for Black to use this counter as tempi can be easily lost as the pieces will often get in the way of each other. However, Red cannot afford to let his guard down, or he can quickly lose tempi or even material
In the author's humble opinion, this board is an excellent example of denying the enemy a chance to attack.