Slash Commands

We are implementing a series of slash commands which you will be able to type into chat. In this way, you can use the chat input screen not just to message other users, but also, to send messages and requests to the xiangqi system.

Here is a list of the slash commands we are currently working on. If you have additional ideas of other slash commands you would like to see, please email - thanks!

  • /help - list all the slash commands

  • /help COMMAND - detail how COMMAND works

  • /bio USER - display the bio from their member page, or, say “No bio for USER”.

  • /block USER - make USER and yourself invisible to each other. To unblock, use their member page.

  • /board STYLE - switches board design style (when more board styles are implemented)

  • /challenge USER [GAME-TIMER MOVE-TIMER MY-COLOR] defaults to 10 2 red

  • /dark - switch to dark mode

  • /edit - open a new table in our editor, with the current board as initial position

  • /flip - flip the table so you can specify whether you want red or black on top

  • /friend USER - sends a friend request to USER

  • /gif SEARCH - search giphy for SEARCH, see top ~5 results, pick the one to send (then collapse the display it showed just to me of the top ~5).

  • /goto USER - go to the room where USER is now.

  • /ha - animates random HAHA strings up across the chat panel

  • /LANGUAGE - switches site language (currently only English and Chinese, add more options as more languages are added)

  • /light - switch to light mode

  • /logout - log me out of the website. This will have a confirmation dialog.

  • /love - send hearts animation, maybe after a good move. This is limited to only 1 time per user per game and only 10 times per game in total (all users). After the limit, instead of animation, the /love command will simply output three heart icons. This feature is P2.

  • /moves - display all the moves (ultimately this will be a Moves tab on chat); later we’ll have an option for this command to indicate which notation system you want to see, e.g., /moves en for “english” (e.g., C c5c7) , /moves cn for chinese standard (e.g., C2+5), etc. If not specified, the annotation will be the last one that had been specified.

  • /mute USER - mute this user for me; if I am one of the players, mute USER for everyone in this room while they are here. To unmute, use their member page.

  • /pieces STYLE - switches piece style (when new piece styles are implemented)

  • /record - what is the WIN LOSS DRAW record of these two players, listed for the red player. E.g., if paul is red and walter is black, it could be shown as “paul vs walter: 5 wins, 10 losses, 2 draws”.

  • /shrug MESSAGE - append ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to MESSAGE. This is a nod to our friends at Slack. :-)

  • /time - what are the local times for the two players

  • /who - list who is in this room one per line; username, country-flag, rating, local-time, last-active. Sorted highest rating to lowest. (Ultimately this will be a Who tab on chat)