Eunuch chasing emperor checkmate
The eunuch chasing emperor checkmate is an advanced version of the smothered checkmate. The idea of this checkmate pattern is to support the soldier with a cannon, a chariot, or the general, and use the soldier to keep attacking the opponent’s general until it runs out of escape routes.
Let’s look at the example below:
Eunuch chasing emperor checkmate 1.1
In this position, it is obvious that black has a lot more material than red. However, the position of the black general is really poor, giving a chance for red to win the game. Red can first move the G6 soldier to H6 to give a check. With the support from the red general, the black general cannot capture it, so it can only retreat to J6
Eunuch chasing emperor checkmate example 1.2
After the black general escapes to J6, red keeps on attacking black by moving the H6 soldier to I6. Black can only move its general back to J5.
Eunuch chasing emperor checkmate example 1.2
It would be tempting for red to capture the black cannon with the soldier. However, red would be left with no attacking pieces after black recapture the red soldier with the advisor, and black still have two soldiers to deliver a checkmate. Instead of capturing the I5 cannon, red could go for a checkmate by moving the I6 soldier to J6.
In this checkmate, you can see that the red soldier keeps on attacking the black general using the support from other pieces(in this case, the A6 general), and deliver a smothered checkmate at the end. This is the eunuch chasing emperor checkmate.
Eunuch chasing emperor checkmate example 2.1
In this example, both sides have the same amount of pieces. The red pieces are in a very good position, and they can deliver a eunuch chasing emperor checkmate! Red first moves the G9 chariot to G6 to give a check. Black can only block the check with its advisor.
Eunuch chasing emperor checkmate example 2.2
Then, red plays a shocking move by sacrificing his chariot for the black advisor! Black can only take the chariot with the general, as the midline is guarded by the red general.
Eunuch chasing emperor checkmate example 2.3
Why would red sacrifice his chariot? This is because red foresee a eunuch chasing emperor checkmate after the sacrifice! Red now moves the red cannon to C6 to give a check. Black could only block the cannon by moving his chariot to E6.
Eunuch chasing emperor checkmate example 2.4
The black chariot is attacking both the red cannon and the red soldier. Red chose to disregard the threat, and continues to give a check with the soldier. Now that the soldier is giving a check, black does not have time to capture the red cannon. On the other hand, the black chariot cannot capture the soldier, as that would expose the general to the red cannon’s attack; the black general cannot capture the soldier as well due to the suppot from the red cannon. As a result, the only move for black to escape from the threat is to move back to J6.
Eunuch chasing emperor checkmate example 2.5
Lastly, red advances the soldier to I6. The black general cannot escape to J5, as that would expose it to the red general directly. Red wins!
This is a more advanced version of the eunuch chasing emperor checkmate as it involves sacrificing a chariot, but the idea is very similar to the last example.
In this Xiangqi tutorial, we talked about the eunuch chasing emperor checkmate. With the support from the other pieces, the weakest soldier can turn into a mighty warrior to deliver the checkmate and grab you the win!
Below is an exercise about the eunuch chasing emperor checkmate. Try out the puzzle to see whether you can apply what you learn in this tutorial!
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